150 g butter
150 g sugar
15 g vanilla sugar
6 eggs
100 g chopped almonds
150 g dark chocolate
75 g flour
75 g cornflour
3 tsp baking powder
Moisten the cake:
cup of fresh strong coffee,cooled
~50 ml brandy
375 g blackcurrant jam
2-3 cups of pitted cherries in syrup,drained
500 ml fresh cream
75 g dark chocolate
Oven 180C.
Cream the butter with sugar,add egg yolks,grated chocolate, almonds,mix of flour & baking powder & cornflour.
Whisk the egg whites separately until stiff & gently add to the rest of the ingredients.
Line the 23 cm round cake tin with baking paper.
Transfer the mixture to the cake tin & bake in preheated oven for 45-50 min or until the inserted toothpick comes out clean.
Cut the cake into three horizontal layers,it wont be easy,so be careful.
Place the first layer onto the serving plate,moisten ,spread over half the jam,then 1/4 of the whipped cream & half of the drained cherries.
Put the second layer over & same way moisten,spread with jam & add the rest of the filling.
Top the cake with third moistened layer.
Cover the sides & top of the cake with the rest of the whipped cream.
Sieve over the cake some cocoa powder or sprinkle with grated chocolate.Decorate with cherries..
Curl up on the couch with slice or two & enjoy..